A chatbot is basically a program software program designed to perform an online chat conversation through either text or voice-to-voice, rather than giving direct human contact with another person. The chatbot has been around for quite some time now and has been primarily used for interactive communication online. Today, it’s possible to buy chat bot software for both personal and business use. You can essentially purchase a chat bot for just about anything – social networking, forum interaction, real time chat, personal and professional conversation, etc.
Messenger bots are generally chat bots that are installed on websites such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Craigslist, WordPress, and many others. When you install a chatbot on your website, it automatically starts communicating with visitors who have given their website user ID and chat transcripts. In effect, the website chatbot becomes a virtual agent that visitors can communicate with. This makes it easier for the website owner to ensure that there is no long-term abuse of the site and that the chat bot stays within its allowed area and follows chat etiquette.
These chat bots are available for both desktop and mobile use, but the most common today are those designed for mobile usage. Mobile apps are those designed specifically for use on smart phones, such as iPhones, Android phones, and Blackberries. Because the software is designed specifically for mobile use, these chat bot programs have the most up-to-date artificial intelligence and can chat away throughout your entire device. They are great if you are looking to talk to friends and colleagues while on the go.
Desktop chatbot programs are also available for desktop computers and laptops. They work exactly the same way. In both cases, they send simple text messages to chatbot users. The only real difference between the two is that, with an online bot, the user has to download the chat bot onto their computer first. Once they have it installed, they can then log in using any internet browser and start chatting with friends. On a laptop, it’s just a matter of connecting the laptop to the web and navigating to the chat bot’s server.
Now, let’s learn how to buy chat bot software and set up your first bot. You’ll need to find a good e-commerce website that offers bot software and templates – ideally, you want to use an e-commerce website that lets you choose your own chat bot and create the template message for it. This way you can be sure to get the boat that best suits your personality, interests, and style. These chat bots are terrific for social networking, business, advertising, and much more.
There are many popular websites that offer chat bot programs and services. Some of them include: Yahoo chat, Facebook chat, Skype chat, AIM chat bot, etc. Some of these chatbot websites even have shopping bots for people who need shopping bots. The great thing about these websites is that there is usually customer service, so once you’ve found the chat bot that works best for you (which usually has a video tutorial to show you how to use it), all you need to do is click “start” and watch the chat bot do all sorts of things automatically for you! I like these websites because they make it so easy to have a chat bot at my fingertips, even if I don’t have access to the internet on my laptop!
However, these bot programs are also available in website apps. These are basically like the chat bots, but they are hosted by a separate company. There are even several smart phone and smart phone applications for these types of bot programs. In fact, I recommend checking out some of these apps today, especially if you are looking to expand your marketing skills and advertise your business online.
Now, let’s talk about the last type of chat bot that’s available – the website chat bot. This type of website chat bot is designed specifically to allow people who don’t necessarily have web experience to navigate and use website chat software effectively. These chat bots are typically created by professional website developers, so they often come with an extensive set of tutorials. The good thing about these website chat bot programs is that many of them come with an extensive library of instructional videos and articles that teach website owners how to effectively use their website chat bot software. Additionally, many website chat bot programs have chat forums where website owners can chat with other website owners to ask questions or discuss website chat bot software in general. All in all, website chat bot software has really expanded the way that people market their businesses online, especially for new businesses that don’t have the time or resources to learn how to use search engine optimization and website chat bots effectively.